Vascular emergencies require a fast, expert response and precise treatment to ensure a positive outcome. In demand as never before, the skills of vascular surgeons are urgently needed to treat a range of vascular emergencies such as ischemic extremities, embolic events, ruptured aortic aneurysms, vascular trauma, and complications of long-standing vascular disease.
Surgical Affiliates is leading the industry to meet this critical and growing need with our Vascular Surgery Program. This innovative program provides a dedicated, in-house team of experienced, board-certified vascular surgeons providing 24/7 care to patients requiring emergency vascular surgery entering your hospital’s ED as well as care for in-patient consults, transfers to the facility, and in-house vascular emergencies.
Our comprehensive program is anchored by a dedicated medical director overseeing a highly qualified team of experienced and vetted vascular surgeons providing coverage exclusively to your hospital while on duty. Also, our vascular surgeons appreciate the opportunity to provide on-duty, dedicated coverage with the option of maintaining an elective practice. Surgical Affiliates’ experienced vascular surgery teams implement evidence-based guidelines in delivering a systematic, personalized approach to care that is a hallmark of our surgicalist model.
The Vascular Surgery Program provides additional, meaningful benefits to your hospital that enhance patient care, improve outcomes, and elevate institutional performance:
- Cohesion with local physicians
- Experienced management services support for both the local practice and the hospital that alleviates administrative responsibilities from clinical teams
- Improved ED response time and improved patient outcomes
- Improved patient, nurse, physician and hospital administration satisfaction
- A fully staffed follow-up clinic providing post-discharge care to patients on our service
- Decreased length of stay and decreased readmission rates
- Improved resource utilization
Surgical Affiliates’ Practice Management Team is comprised of experienced trauma and critical care nurse managers, EMS leaders and healthcare executives. Our team works in close partnership with your hospital administration in maintaining high quality standards and efficient clinic operations with a continued focus on improving patient care.
All potential providers will be presented to your hospital’s administration for consideration and approval. Our staffing model provides 24/7/365 surgeon care with back-up coverage and mid-level provider support as needed.
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